Scottish Festival and Highland Games


Going to the Scottish Games has been a bit of a tradition for us. We’ve missed going the past few years due to other obligations but try to go each year. My father in-law was from Scotland(he definitely reminded me of Sean Connery). He passed away in 2008 and we miss him so much! So whenever we do go to the games I feel he is with us in spirit.

My crew!

There is so much to do and see at the games. There are the bagpipes, traditional dancers, unique shopping, the caber toss and great food. Oh the food….Scottish Pies, Bridies, Fish and Chips and of course, the ice cream!

On Long Island the games have always been held at Old Westbury Gardens which is a beautiful mansion with lovely gardens. So pretty to just walk around and find surprises around each corner.

Such a nice surprise to listen to this orchestra
Gateway to the gorgeous gardens

This was a great way for our family to spend the day connecting with our Scottish heritage. I think I will be looking into what Clan we are. This kinda feels like an episode of Outlander!! Lol! Scottish Games are held all over the U.S., I highly recommend attending even if you’re not one of us 😀 At the games everyone is Scottish for the day!

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